
What's New at Flex-Cell?
Summer 2022- The building is fully operational!

Machines have been moved into the new space, following a more efficient and lean process flow. We are also preparing for a new, fully-automated EROWA Linear System, which will tend 4-10 machines.
Fall/Winter 2021- It's starting to look like a building!

With the changing of the seasons came the transformation of our building! Fall and winter were filled with construction, as the building gained siding, paint, electrical, HVAC and interior framing. 
Summer 2021- Ground has been broken!

Flex-Cell, in conjunction with the TONO/PROTO group of Lancaster, began construction on a 24,000 sqft expansion project.  The summer of 2021 was filled with excavation and prepping the land for the building addition!
12/30/2019 - Three new toys!

Flex-Cell is starting 2020 off right! We are pleased to announce the addition of a brand new Tsugami S206, accompanied by a swift FMB Turbo 2-20 bar feeder! 

But that's not all! We are currently installing a new KITAMURA MedCenter5AX mill! This small, true 5-axis machine packs a real punch, with a 30k spindle, glass-scaled axes, and 40-tool carousel. 
12/3/2019 - Two additional HAAS Super VF2s!

We are very excited about the addition of two brand new HAAS Super VF2s for 3-axis operations. These new machines feature a 30 x 15" bed travel range, accompanied by 20" of Z-travel. They also have auto-doors, making the addition of machine tending robots an easy reality!
12/26/2018 - Two more robots + another 5-axis Robodrill

The shop has been growing a lot over the past few months. We are excited to bring in not one.. not two... but THREE more Erowa pallet changer robots. This makes a total of 13 fully automated CNC mills at our shop! We have also added yet another Fanuc Robodrill to our fleet. Ready to take 2019 head on! 
9/26/2018 - New ISO standards have been met

Thanks to a lot of hard work from our quality team, we are officially certified to the latest ISO 9001:15 and 13485:16 standards!! 👍👍✔✔ 
9/19/2018 - Keyence IM-7020

Machining a part is one challenge, measuring it is another. We just added this Keyence image dimension measurement system to our shop for extremely fast and accurate measurements. 
4/2/18 - NEW Robodrill 

Yet another Fanuc Robodrill arrived last week. This one is an a-D21MiB5, making it the sixth Robodrill at our shop. These things rock! 

3/20/18 - Millturns have arrived

Today we received two new millturns. They are Tsugami TMA8C-III, each will be equipped with a bar feeder. We can't wait to put these to work, so many new possibilities! 
1/3/18 - New robot joins our team

We welcome the addition of a new Universal Robots UR3 cobot today. This collaborative robotic arm will be used to automate machine tending in our plastics department. Before we put it to work though, we had to test it's strength against Henry! 

11/28/17 - Two New Machines Today! 

Today we had two new 5-axis mills delivered! A Makino DA300 and Fanuc Robodrill D21MiB5. This is our first Makino mill and we can't wait to start making chips! The Robodrill is now the fifth one we have in our shop, we really love working with them. 

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